Representing UK business for One Planet at COP26

November 2021
Own up, level the playing field and ensure good governance … these are the messages Whitby Wood managing director Sebastian Wood is taking to Glasgow. He is speaking on behalf of UK business at One Planet‘s session from the COP26 Green Zone.

He says: “Be honest about your company’s impact. Facing up to the scale of the changes we need to make to reduce carbon emissions will require people to be held to account for what they do, and what they say they are. And we need to demand legislation — the right legislation — that will enable us to change through good business practices.”

Seb joins a panel of speakers making short, impactful presentations as part of One Planet‘s No More Greenwash! session, which introduces the new One Planet Standard. The idea of the standard is to help organisations of all sizes, public and private, to reduce their ecological footprint.

The speakers include: Sophie Howe (Future Generations Commissioner for Wales), Andrea Lewis (Deputy Leader, Swansea Council), Jaco Marais (Co-founder and Creative Partner, the Good Governance Institute) and Paul Bridle (Chair, Assessment Services), plus Virginia Isaac and David Thorpe of One Planet.

No more greenwash! The One Planet Standard – a new way for organisations to tackle the nature and climate emergencies

LIVE FROM COP26 : 11 November 2021 | 15:00-16:00 GMT
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One Planet at COP26

UN Climate Change Conference UK 2021
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