September 2021
Whitby Wood director Saša Popović is contributing to a professional practice webinar on 29 September, organised by the Institution of Engineers Indonesia (PII). His fellow speakers include Prof. Chiew Sing-Ping (Singapore Institute of Technology) and Ir. Bambang Goeritno, Chairman of the Engineering College, PII.

The subject of the webinar is Professional Engineer (PE) Practice in Indonesia and Overseas: A Benchmarking. Saša will speak on professional certification — sharing his experience as a practicing structural engineer across several continents.

The three-hour webinar will be held via Zoom, and will be recorded. Time is allowed for audience questions. To register (a fee is payable), go to bit.ly/PIBatamPEPractice

The Institution of Engineers Indonesia (Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia) : www.pii.or.id
Webinar : 29 September 2021, 13.00-16.00 Jakarta time (GMT+7)
Registration : bit.ly/PIBatamPEPractice

Dr Chiew Sing-Ping, Professor of Civil Engineering, Cluster Director of Engineering at Singapore Institute of Technology, Singapore
Ir Bambang Goeritno, Chairman of Civil Engineering College, the Institution of Engineers Indonesia (BKS PII)
Ar Angelene Chan, Chairman of DP Architects, Singapore
Saša Popović, Director of Whitby Wood Popović, Belgrade, Serbia
Ir Habibie Razak, Head of Energy & Transport SMEC Indonesia
Ir Franky Ken, Managing Director PT Miyamoto International Indonesia

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